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Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I'm super angry right now because I forgot ALL of the components of the pump at home - yesterday it was the tubing, last week it was something else.

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Kid 1 is learning about relationships. She told me something like, "R** es el esposo de Abuela." I tell her that's right, and we go through and name all the husband/wife pairs in our family. She immediately follows up with: "*** es mi esposo" (Kid 2 is my husband), as she hugs him tight.

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We went on a weekend roadtrip 8hrs away for a relative's memorial service. He died one year ago and we'd nicknamed the event J**'s Permanent Siesta Fiesta. Kid 2, just like his sister as an infant, HATES THE CAR. Screams for hours without stopping. Our last stop, for food and potty breaks, left us 2 hrs till home. From 8pm-10pm, Kid 2 screamed. Without stopping. Kid 1, poor girl, is cooped up back there with the screamer. She started making pretend phone calls to her second cousin whom she'd met at the Fiesta. For two hours. She would hand the phone to me and tell me to talk to her, and then started demanding that Papi also join in the conversation. This cousin speaks English, so these conversations were in English:
"Hi! What are you doing? I'm in the car."
Papi cleverly answers,
"I'm driving, I can't talk on the phone."
To which Kid 1 has a solution:
"Put it on speaker! Papi you press the button! Put it on speaker! Talk to C**!"

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Kid 2 rolled over for his extended family audience this weekend. He's rolled from tummy to back several times, but doesn't make a habit out of it yet. This was the first time I've seen him roll from his back to his tummy all on his own. I was doing one last diaper change al fresco as Kid 1 played with some of her second cousins. He starts arching his back and flipping onto his side. I am talking to a cousin (who is an OBGYN, knows lots about babies and childbirth and is just a super interesting lady) and we start to cheer him on: Come on! You can do it! He sort of slowly pivots around one shoulder, fussing with all his effort, and eventually Whomp lands on his belly, completely sprawled out in the grass. He was 16 weeks old that day.