How are you feeeeeeling?
Although the people enquiring after my well-being nowadays are not weird about it, as described in the above link - they are just trying to be considerate.
It's still weird. But I'm adjusting.
How are you feeeeeeling?
"...holy crap! A magic dildo? From the Feds? I’m used to getting screwed by the government, but not in a good way."
link to post
A wonderful sweet woman, mom to several kids, understanding and kind, was jovially welcoming me to the mom-club, so to speak. She asked, in front of two other people, "Are you ready?"
I laughed and replied, "Of course not!" Thinking, of course, like I think any reasonable person ought, that there's no way to prepare for the lifelong tornado that is parenthood.
Her immediate response:
"Oh, it wasn't planned?"