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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Finding out

I realized about a week before the test that we weren't "in the clear" with respect to possible pregnancy.
Fifth cycle off birth control
The Hottest Computer Scientist in the Universe just said, "That's interesting!" and laughed when I tried to warn him. At some point over the weekend, when my period was "late for me" but not yet 14 days after ovulation, he looked at my chart and I explained that we should have been more careful on two specific days: June 30th and July 5th. He was out of town July 3rd-July 5th... we were happy to see each other...

Sunday night after laundry I convinced him to go buy a box of pregnancy tests. "Why not just wait a week and see what happens?" he protests. Ha, yeah. I was sure by then already, but obviously he was unconvinced!

I slept 3 hours that night. I woke up, took my temperature, and saw it was 4:14 am. Then I started thinking. About the house, our renovations, my job... money and time concerns. Argh.

Finally at 7 I got up, showered, shaved my legs... tried to kill time until he would wake up. The first alarm went off. I tested once and went to see if The Hottest Computer Scientist in the Universe, El Bello Durmiente, had gotten up. Not quite. It had been 3 seconds, and those two lines were there.

I grabbed another test, hid the first, and waited for him to shuffle over. I was shaking and trying not to show it. He is asking for his glasses while I say, "Watch this." Stick in cup, cap on stick... *poof* two lines. "Wait wait wait!" he says. "You have to wait 3 minutes!" Ha, I laughed. OK. "I'll get the phone. 3 minutes. Maybe they'll vanish, but I doubt it! Here, look at the first one!" I laid the two together.

So he chuckles. Hugs me. I am sort of shell shocked. Not crying but not excited. Just ... in disbelief?

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