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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Doctor Visit

So, though lots of online fora (or "forums" for the Hoi Polloi) say that doctors don't want to see people till they are 6 weeks + , the office I go to said to come in.

"What are you coming in for." (It was not phrased as a question.)
"I found out I'm pregnant this morning. Do I have to come in or something?"
"I found out I'm pregnant this morning. Do I have to come in or something?"
(slightly friendlier tone?)"You have to have your pregnancy confirmed to receive prenatal care. You can come in tomorrow."

So fine, I go in today... and they have me pee in a cup. Dudes, I did that at home. Really. The resident... not wearing a coat so maybe just a student?... was nervous and had a hard time asking questions like:
"Are you planning to continue the pregnancy?"
"Is the father involved?"

I tried not to crack up.

She left to go "figure out" my due date - spin the pregnancy wheel, I imagine - based upon first day of last period (most accurate method ever!) and comes back, sounding annoyed (or perhaps just surprised?): "You are 4 weeks and 4 days. That's the earliest I've ever seen."

The Hottest Computer Scientist in the Universe points out: The earliest she's ever seen in all 95 days of her residency?

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