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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dancing queen

This talking thing is amazing. The number of words she says is not something I could even begin to count at this point.

The latest funny development is her starting to learn the lyrics to her favorite songs. I've got a great video of her dancing to one of her favorites (and a couple more) that I'm happy to share on an individual basis. Just ask in the comments and I'll email you the link.

We were on vacation this weekend to visit my cousins. She had a fantastic time, and I should really write about that separately.

But now that we are back, today we noticed her asking for her favorite songs. She usually comes to you and says, "Baila?" while beginning to dance - she's been doing that for a couple of weeks. Then she specifies what she wants to hear. For one song, she hollers, "Hey!" while doing some freestyle dancing, which is the cue for Fiesta de los Zapatos. Listen to it and you'll see why (free mp3 available to stream from that link).

For another favorite, she says "teté" and "metete" and "muchacha" to ask, and they are all words from this song: Metete Teté. When they come up during the song, she repeats "muchacha" especially (that's the newest one to enter her vocabulary of the three). This song has been her favorite for almost year, she would begin to smile and kick to the rhythm since she was at least 5 months old.

She spends part of each day with her Abuela dancing. They listen to cumbias and other dance music and dance around. The songs linked here are by a classic Mexican children's song composer/performer, Cri-Cri. Honestly though, this kid will dance to anything and everything.

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