We sometimes refer to Kid 2 with a typical diminutive of his name (ending in "-ito") but more often make a silly version ending with "-azo" or "-ote" which implies bigness. This kid is big. He's wearing mostly 9 month size clothes at 2 months. At his two month checkup today he was off the charts for height and weight. He's my Ferdinand the Bull - sweet, loveable, and massive. He can hoist his entire upper body up with his arms during his tummy time (that's of his nearly 17lb body, mind you). He usually suffers his sister's love - administered in smacks to the face, suffocating kisses, and thrown objects ("Estoy compartiendo!") - with little complaint. His baby smiles are a huge open mouth, a soundless belly laugh.
I'm so in love. I spend all day kissing his squishy cheeks and snuggling him. Well, that time that I'm not fending off Kid 1, or stuffing him into the Ergo so that I can accomplish something despite my two lovely assistants, or studiously setting him down to sleep so I don't screw up his sleeping patterns like I did Kid 1. So, like maybe an hour a day? Sigh, second child syndrome. Poor kid.
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